Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Yup, the mark of the beast, so when it comes time for the powers that be to insert a chip into your hand, dont do it, for it is the mark of the beast. With out this chip, one cant buy or sell, anything, basically being cast out from society. Its the bankers man, the fuckin piece of shit bankers..

Nah jus clownin but its cold as fuck n i dont have any cheese to get to circus or seasons, but ill do both. The G's over at SaySumtin' are gona be sending me a few sticks, to that i say much appreach!! Hopefully i can find somethin useful to do with them...
The following is another joint from homie n all around mega G Alex Vasquez, we did a brief interview a while back and hes probly the coolest/nicest dude in T town (close tie with Russ). Seent on The Trip"Alex has been on Sputnic since Interbike; Here's his first edit officially welcoming him to the family. He's a good dude, kills it like no other, has a bright future and it truly fun to watch ride bikes. Be on the look out for a lot more good things to come!" sick. -kese

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