Monday, October 18, 2010


Droppin' in from back in the RF area. T'was an ultra long weekend in DeKalb but a good one none the less... JE, Marco, and freshly free Crunchy Black made it down for the Saturday festivities. Blugs and bottles got expired. Nuff said.

Next weekend, Milwaukee will be the city to be in. Another team video jam will be going on. Not sure if there is a flyer or not, but it should be a real good time. Our team will consist of myself, Tony Malouf, Reed Stark and Jeff Klugiewicz. Like I said, shit should be gwarch.

RANDOM AS FUGG - A gully ass ape stech I found on the internet. What's really?!
And I gotta post this as well... Play this song when you mack females and your success rate will rise. Believe daaahht.
More Soon...

1 comment:

  1. Thats cake as fuck you would think you would rep all four members of the gully for a team. thanks hommies.
